


藝術家:Adam McEwen


Adam McEwen 出生於倫敦,在紐約生活和工作。藝術家在繪畫、雕塑和裝置等學科之間自由穿梭。他以真人大小的石墨雕塑而聞名,如自動取款機、飲水機或信用卡等熟悉的消費物品,他的轟炸機哈里斯系列——覆蓋著口香糖的單色繪畫——以及他在海綿上的印刷品,既具有檔案性,又具有懷舊意象,創造出歷史凝視和主觀感受的奇怪組合。他與三維物體的構圖往往會引發心理上的不安,或者寫出一種不受觀眾控制和定義的敘事,與蒙太奇沒什麼不同。


Adam McEwen was born in London and lives and works in New York. The artist moves freely between the disciplines of painting, sculpture and installation. He is well known for his lifesized graphite sculptures of such familiar consumer objects as an ATM, a water fountain or a credit card, his Bomber Harris series – monochromatic paintings covered with chewed gums – and his prints on sponges claim both archival aspect and nostalgic imagery, creating a strange mix of historical gaze and subjective feelings. His compositions with three-dimensional objects tend to trigger a psychological unease, or to write a narrative which is uncontrolled and defined by the viewer, not unlike montage.



尺寸: 91.4 × 61cm 

海報以圖形化的視覺語言描繪了一支圓珠筆,讓人想起早期的羅伊·利希滕斯坦 (Roy Lichtenstein) 的欺騙性簡單性或達達主義者挪用的機械圖紙。喚起語言和表達,麥克尤恩的筆類比人類的情感和行為;它們在運動,吸收和消耗能量,它們的墨水量揭示了它們的潛在壽命。







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